#!/usr/bin/env texlua -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkcites.lua -- Copyright 2012, 2019, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Cereda -- Copyright 2024, Enrico Gregorio, Island of TeX -- -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions -- of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this -- license or (at your option) any later version. -- -- The latest version of this license is in -- -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- -- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 2005/12/01 or later. -- -- This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. The -- current maintainers of this work are the Island of TeX. This -- work consists of the file checkcites.lua. -- -- Project repository: https://gitlab.com/islandoftex/checkcites -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checks if the table contains the element. -- @param a Table. -- @param hit Element. -- @return Boolean value if the table contains the element. local function exists(a, hit) for _, v in ipairs(a) do if v == hit then return true end end return false end -- Parses the list of arguments based on a configuration map. -- @param map Configuration map. -- @param args List of command line arguments. -- @return Table containing the valid keys and entries. -- @return Table containing the invalid keys. local function parse(map, args) local keys, key, unknown = {}, 'unpaired', {} local a, b for _, v in ipairs(args) do a, _, b = string.find(v, '^%-(%w)$') if a then for _, x in ipairs(map) do key = 'unpaired' if x['short'] == b then key = x['long'] break end end if key == 'unpaired' then table.insert(unknown, '-' .. b) end if not keys[key] then keys[key] = {} end else a, _, b = string.find(v, '^%-%-([%w-]+)$') if a then for _, x in ipairs(map) do key = 'unpaired' if x['long'] == b then key = b break end end if key == 'unpaired' then if not exists(unknown, '--' .. b) then table.insert(unknown, '--' .. b) end end if not keys[key] then keys[key] = {} end else if not keys[key] then keys[key] = {} end if key ~= 'unpaired' then for _, x in ipairs(map) do if x['long'] == key then if not (x['argument'] and #keys[key] == 0) then key = 'unpaired' end break end end if not keys[key] then keys[key] = {} end table.insert(keys[key], v) else if not keys[key] then keys[key] = {} end table.insert(keys[key], v) end end end end return keys, unknown end -- Calculates the difference between two tables. -- @param a First table. -- @param b Second table. -- @return Table containing the difference between two tables. local function difference(a, b) local result = {} for _, v in ipairs(a) do if not exists(b, v) then table.insert(result, v) end end return result end -- Splits the string based on a pattern. -- @param str String. -- @param pattern Pattern. local function split(str, pattern) local result = {} string.gsub(str, pattern, function(a) table.insert(result, a) end) return result end -- Reads lines from a file. -- @param file File. -- @returns Table representing the lines. local function read(file) local handler = io.open(file, 'r') local lines = {} if handler then for line in handler:lines() do table.insert(lines, line) end handler:close() end return lines end -- Gets a pluralized word based on a counter. -- @param i Counter. -- @param a Word in singular. -- @param b Word in plural. -- @return Either the first or second word based on the counter. local function plural(i, a, b) if i == 1 then return a else return b end end -- Normalizes the string, removing leading and trailing spaces. -- @param str String. -- @return Normalized string without leading and trailing spaces. local function normalize(str) local result, _ = string.gsub(str, '^%s', '') result, _ = string.gsub(result, '%s$', '') return result end -- Checks if the element is in a blacklist. -- @param a Element. -- @return Boolean value if the element is blacklisted. local function blacklist(a) local list = {} for _, v in ipairs(list) do if v == a then return true end end return false end -- Checks if the key is allowed. -- @param v The key itself. -- @return Boolean value if the key is allowed. local function allowed(key) local keys = { 'string', 'comment' } for _, v in ipairs(keys) do if string.lower(key) == v then return false end end return true end -- Extracts the biblographic key. -- @param lines Lines of a file. -- @return Table containing bibliographic keys. local function extract(lines) local result = {} for _, line in ipairs(lines) do local key, hit = string.match(line, '^%s*%@(%w+%s*){%s*(.+),') if key and allowed(key) then if not exists(result, hit) then hit = normalize(hit) table.insert(result, hit) end end end return result end -- Extracts the cross-references found -- in lines of the bibligraphy file. -- @param lines Line of a file. -- @return Table containing cross-references. local function crossref(lines) local result, lookup, key, hit = {}, '' for _, line in ipairs(lines) do key, hit = string.match(line, '^%s*%@(%w+%s*){%s*(.+),') if key and allowed(key) then lookup = normalize(hit) else key, hit = string.match(line, '^%s*(%w+)%s*=%s*(.+)$') if key then key = string.lower(key) if key == 'crossref' then if string.sub(hit, -1) == ',' then hit = string.sub(hit, 2, -3) else hit = string.sub(hit, 2, -2) end result[lookup] = hit end end end end return result end -- Adds the extension if the file does not have it. -- @param file File. -- @param extension Extension. -- @return File with proper extension. local function sanitize(file, extension) extension = '.' .. extension if string.sub(file, -#extension) ~= extension then file = file .. extension end return file end -- Checks if a file exists. -- @param file File. -- @return Boolean value indicating if the file exists. local function valid(file) local handler = io.open(file, 'r') if handler then handler:close() return true else return false end end -- Wraps a string based on a line width. -- @param str String. -- @param size Line width. -- @return Wrapped string. local function wrap(str, size) local parts = split(str, '[^%s]+') local r, l = '', '' for _, v in ipairs(parts) do if (#l + #v) > size then r = r .. '\n' .. l l = v else l = normalize(l .. ' ' .. v) end end r = normalize(r .. '\n' .. l) return r end -- Backend namespace local backends = {} -- Gets data from auxiliary files (BibTeX). -- @param lines Lines of a file. -- @param rec Recursive switch. -- @return Boolean indicating if an asterisk was found. -- @return Table containing the citations. -- @return Table containing the bibliography files. backends.bibtex = function(lines, rec) local citations, bibliography, invalid = {}, {}, {} local asterisk, parts, hit = false for _, line in ipairs(lines) do hit = string.match(line, '^%s*\\citation{(.+)}$') if hit then if hit ~= '*' then parts = split(hit, '[^,%s]+') for _, v in ipairs(parts) do v = normalize(v) if not exists(citations, v) then table.insert(citations, v) end end else asterisk = true end else hit = string.match(line, '^%s*\\bibdata{(.+)}$') if hit then parts = split(hit, '[^,%s]+') for _, v in ipairs(parts) do v = normalize(v) if not exists(bibliography, v) and not blacklist(v) then table.insert(bibliography, v) end end else hit = string.match(line, '^%s*\\@input{(.+)}$') if rec and hit then hit = sanitize(hit, 'aux') if not valid(hit) then table.insert(invalid, hit) else local a, b, c = backends.bibtex(read(hit), false) asterisk = asterisk or a for _, v in ipairs(b) do if not exists(citations, v) then table.insert(citations, v) end end for _, v in ipairs(c) do if not exists(bibliography, v) then table.insert(bibliography, v) end end end end end end end if #invalid ~= 0 then print() print(wrap('Warning: there ' .. plural(#invalid, 'is an invalid reference ', 'are ' .. 'invalid references ') .. 'to the ' .. 'following auxiliary ' .. plural(#invalid, 'file ', 'files ') .. 'that could not ' .. 'be resolved at runtime:', 74)) for _, v in ipairs(invalid) do print('=> ' .. v) end end return asterisk, citations, bibliography end -- Gets data from auxiliary files (Biber). -- @param lines Lines of a file. -- @param _ To be discarded with biber. -- @return Boolean indicating if an asterisk was found. -- @return Table containing the citations. -- @return Table containing the bibliography files. backends.biber = function(lines, _) local citations, bibliography = {}, {} local asterisk, parts, hit = false for _, line in ipairs(lines) do hit = string.match(line, '^%s*(.+)$') if hit then if hit ~= '*' then parts = split(hit, '[^,%s]+') for _, v in ipairs(parts) do v = normalize(v) if not exists(citations, v) then table.insert(citations, v) end end else asterisk = true end else hit = string.match(line, '^%s*(.+)$') if hit then parts = split(hit, '[^,%s]+') for _, v in ipairs(parts) do v = normalize(v) if not exists(bibliography, v) and not blacklist(v) then table.insert(bibliography, v) end end end end end return asterisk, citations, bibliography end -- Counts the number of elements of a nominal table. -- @param t Table. -- @return Table size. local function count(t) local counter = 0 for _, _ in pairs(t) do counter = counter + 1 end return counter end -- Repeats the provided char a certain number of times. -- @param c Char. -- @param size Number of times. -- @return String with a char repeated a certain number of times. local function pad(c, size) local r = c while #r < size do r = r .. c end return r end -- Flattens a table of tables into only one table. -- @param t Table. -- @return Flattened table. local function flatten(t) local result = {} for _, v in ipairs(t) do for _, k in ipairs(v) do if not exists(result, k) then table.insert(result, k) end end end return result end -- Organizes a key/value table of tables into only one table. -- @param t Table. -- @return Flattened key/value table. local function organize(t) local result = {} for _, v in ipairs(t) do for j, k in pairs(v) do if not result[j] then result[j] = k end end end return result end -- Applies a function to elements of a table. -- @param c Table. -- @param f Function. -- @return A new table. local function apply(c, f) local result = {} for _, v in ipairs(c) do table.insert(result, f(v)) end return result end -- Search the TeX tree for the file. -- @param library The library reference. -- @param file The filename. -- @param extension The extension. -- @return String pointing to the file location. local function lookup(library, file, extension) return library.find_file(file, extension) end -- Prints the script header. local function header() print(" _ _ _ _") print(" ___| |_ ___ ___| |_ ___|_| |_ ___ ___") print("| _| | -_| _| '_| _| | _| -_|_ -|") print("|___|_|_|___|___|_,_|___|_|_| |___|___|") print() print(wrap('checkcites.lua -- a reference ' .. 'checker script (v2.8)', 74)) print(wrap('Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Cereda', 74)) print(wrap('Copyright (c) 2024, Enrico Gregorio, Island of TeX', 74)) end -- Operation namespace local operations = {} -- Reports the unused references. -- @param citations Citations. -- @param references References. -- @return Integer representing the status. -- @return Table of unused references. operations.unused = function(citations, references, crossrefs) print() print(pad('-', 74)) print(wrap('Report of unused references in your TeX ' .. 'document (that is, references present in ' .. 'bibliography files, but not cited in ' .. 'the TeX source file)', 74)) print(pad('-', 74)) local z = {} for _, citation in ipairs(citations) do if crossrefs[citation] then table.insert(z, crossrefs[citation]) end end for _, i in ipairs(z) do if not exists(i, citations) then table.insert(citations, i) end end local r = difference(references, citations) local forJson = {} print() print(wrap('Unused references in your TeX document: ' .. tostring(#r), 74)) if #r == 0 then return 0, forJson else for _, v in ipairs(r) do print('=> ' .. v) table.insert(forJson, v) end return 1, forJson end end -- Reports the undefined references. -- @param citations Citations. -- @param references References. -- @return Integer value indicating the status. -- @return Table of undefined references. operations.undefined = function(citations, references, crossrefs) print() print(pad('-', 74)) print(wrap('Report of undefined references in your TeX ' .. 'document (that is, references cited in the ' .. 'TeX source file, but not present in the ' .. 'bibliography files)', 74)) print(pad('-', 74)) local z = {} for _, citation in ipairs(citations) do if crossrefs[citation] then table.insert(z, crossrefs[citation]) end end for _, i in ipairs(z) do if not exists(i, citations) then table.insert(citations, i) end end local r = difference(citations, references) local forJson = {} print() print(wrap('Undefined references in your TeX document: ' .. tostring(#r), 74)) if #r == 0 then return 0, forJson else for _, v in ipairs(r) do print('=> ' .. v) table.insert(forJson, v) end return 1, forJson end end -- Reports both unused and undefined references. -- @param citations Citations. -- @param references References. -- @return Integer value indicating the status. -- @return Table containing both unused and undefined references. operations.all = function(citations, references, crossrefs) local x, y local forJson = {} x, forJson['unused'] = operations.unused(citations, references, crossrefs) y, forJson['undefined'] = operations.undefined(citations, references, crossrefs) if x + y > 0 then return 1, forJson else return 0, forJson end end -- Filters a table of files, keeping the inexistent ones. -- @param files Table. -- @param lib Search library. -- @param enabled Boolean switch to enable lookup. -- @param extension Extension for lookup. -- @return Table of inexistent files. -- @return Table of existent files. local function validate(files, lib, enabled, extension) local bad, good = {}, {} for _, v in ipairs(files) do if not valid(v) then if enabled and lookup(lib, v, extension) then table.insert(good, lookup(lib, v, extension)) else table.insert(bad, v) end else table.insert(good, v) end end return bad, good end -- Converts a table of elements into a valid JSON array in -- a string format, where each item is enclosed by quotes. -- @param elements Table to be converted. -- @return A JSON array in a string format. local function toArray(elements) if #elements ~=0 then return '[ "' .. table.concat(elements, '", "') .. '" ]' else return '[]' end end -- Gets a description of the operation being performed. -- @param check The operation name. -- @return The corresponding description. local function getOperation(check) if check == 'unused' then return 'list only unused references' elseif check == 'undefined' then return 'list only undefined references' else return 'list all unused and undefined references' end end -- Writes the text to the file. -- @param file The file to be written into. -- @param text The text to be written. local function write(file, text) local handler = io.open(file, 'w') if handler then handler:write(text) handler:close() end end -- Exports the report to a JSON file. -- @param file JSON file to be written. -- @param schema Table containing the report. local function toJson(file, schema) local string = '{\n' string = string .. ' "settings" : {\n' string = string .. ' "backend" : "' .. schema['backend'] .. '",\n' string = string .. ' "operation" : "' .. getOperation(schema['check']) .. '",\n' string = string .. ' "crossrefs" : ' .. ((schema['crossrefs'] and 'true') or 'false') .. '\n' string = string .. ' },\n' string = string .. ' "project" : {\n' string = string .. ' "forcibly_cite_all" : ' .. schema['asterisk'] .. ',\n' string = string .. ' "bibliographies" : ' .. toArray(schema['bibliographies']) .. ',\n' string = string .. ' "citations" : ' .. toArray(schema['citations']) .. ',\n' string = string .. ' "crossrefs" : ' .. toArray(schema['crossrefs'] or {}) .. '\n' string = string .. ' },\n' string = string .. ' "results" : {\n' string = string .. ' "unused" : {\n' string = string .. ' "active" : ' .. (exists({'unused', 'all'}, schema['check']) and 'true' or 'false') .. ',\n' string = string .. ' "occurrences" : ' .. toArray(schema['unused']) .. '\n' string = string .. ' },\n' string = string .. ' "undefined" : {\n' string = string .. ' "active" : ' .. (exists({'undefined', 'all'}, schema['check']) and 'true' or 'false') .. ',\n' string = string .. ' "occurrences" : ' .. toArray(schema['undefined']) .. '\n' string = string .. ' }\n' string = string .. ' }\n' string = string .. '}' write(file, string) end -- Main function. -- @param args Command line arguments. -- @return Integer value indicating the status local function checkcites(args) local kpse = require('kpse') kpse.set_program_name('texlua') header() local parameters = { { short = 'a', long = 'all', argument = false }, { short = 'u', long = 'unused', argument = false }, { short = 'U', long = 'undefined', argument = false }, { short = 'v', long = 'version', argument = false }, { short = 'h', long = 'help', argument = false }, { short = 'c', long = 'crossrefs', argument = false }, { short = 'b', long = 'backend', argument = true }, { short = 'j', long = 'json', argument = true } } local keys, err = parse(parameters, args) local check, backend = 'all', 'bibtex' local json = {} if #err ~= 0 then print() print(pad('-', 74)) print(wrap('I am sorry, but I do not recognize ' .. 'the following ' .. plural(#err, 'option', 'options') .. ':', 74)) for _, v in ipairs(err) do print('=> ' .. v) end print() print(wrap('Please make sure to use the correct ' .. 'options when running this script. You ' .. 'can also refer to the user documentation ' .. 'for a list of valid options. The script ' .. 'will end now.', 74)) return 1 end if count(keys) == 0 then print() print(pad('-', 74)) print(wrap('I am sorry, but you have not provided ' .. 'any command line argument, including ' .. 'files to check and options. Make ' .. 'sure to invoke the script with the actual ' .. 'arguments. Refer to the user documentation ' .. 'if you are unsure of how this tool ' .. 'works. The script will end now.', 74)) return 1 end if keys['version'] or keys['help'] then if keys['version'] then print() print(wrap('checkcites.lua, version 2.8 (dated December ' .. '14, 2024)', 74)) print(pad('-', 74)) print(wrap('You can find more details about this ' .. 'script, as well as the user documentation, ' .. 'in the official source code repository:', 74)) print() print('https://gitlab.com/islandoftex/checkcites') print() print(wrap('The checkcites.lua script is licensed ' .. 'under the LaTeX Project Public License, ' .. 'version 1.3.', 74)) else print() print(wrap('Usage: ' .. args[0] .. ' [ [ --all | --unused | ' .. '--undefined ] [ --backend ] [ ' .. ' ... ] | --json | ' .. '--help | --version ]', 74)) print() print('-a,--all list all unused and undefined references') print('-u,--unused list only unused references in your bibliography files') print('-U,--undefined list only undefined references in your TeX source file') print('-c,--crossrefs enable cross-reference checks (disabled by default)') print('-b,--backend set the backend-based file lookup policy') print('-j,--json export the generated report as a JSON file') print('-h,--help print the help message') print('-v,--version print the script version') print() print(wrap('Unless specified, the script lists all unused and ' .. 'undefined references by default. Also, the default ' .. 'backend is set to "bibtex". Please refer to the user ' .. 'documentation for more details.', 74)) end return 0 end if not keys['unpaired'] then print() print(pad('-', 74)) print(wrap('I am sorry, but you have not provided ' .. 'files to process. The tool requires ' .. 'least one file in order to properly ' .. 'work. Make sure to invoke the script ' .. 'with an actual file (or files). Refer ' .. 'to the user documentation if you are ' .. 'unsure of how this tool works. The ' .. 'script will end now.', 74)) return 1 end if keys['backend'] then if not exists({ 'bibtex', 'biber' }, keys['backend'][1]) then print() print(pad('-', 74)) print(wrap('I am sorry, but you provided an ' .. 'invalid backend. I know two: ' .. '"bibtex" (which is the default ' .. 'one) and "biber". Please make ' .. 'sure to select one of the two. ' .. 'Also refer to the user documentation ' .. 'for more information on how these ' .. 'backends work. The script will end ' .. 'now.', 74)) return 1 else backend = keys['backend'][1] end end if not keys['all'] then if keys['unused'] and keys['undefined'] then check = 'all' elseif keys['unused'] or keys['undefined'] then check = (keys['unused'] and 'unused') or (keys['undefined'] and 'undefined') end end json['backend'] = backend json['check'] = check local auxiliary = apply(keys['unpaired'], function(a) return sanitize(a, (backend == 'bibtex' and 'aux') or 'bcf') end) local invalid, _ = validate(auxiliary, kpse, false, 'aux') if #invalid ~= 0 then print() print(pad('-', 74)) print(wrap('I am sorry, but I was unable to ' .. 'locate ' .. plural(#invalid, 'this file', 'these files') .. ' (the extension ' .. 'is automatically set based on the ' .. '"' .. backend .. '" backend):', 74)) for _, v in ipairs(invalid) do print('=> ' .. v) end print() print(wrap('Selected backend: ' .. backend, 74)) print(wrap('File lookup policy: add ".' .. ((backend == 'bibtex' and 'aux') or 'bcf') .. '" to files if not provided.', 74)) print() print(wrap('Please make sure the ' .. plural(#invalid, 'path is', 'paths are') .. ' ' .. 'correct and the ' .. plural(#invalid, 'file exists', 'files exist') .. '. ' .. 'There is nothing I can do at the moment. ' .. 'Refer to the user documentation for ' .. 'details on the file lookup. If ' .. plural(#invalid, 'this is not the file', 'these are not the ' .. 'files') .. ' you were expecting, ' .. 'double-check your source file or ' .. 'change the backend option when running ' .. 'this tool. The script will end now.', 74)) return 1 end local lines = flatten(apply(auxiliary, read)) local asterisk, citations, bibliography = backends[backend](lines, true) json['citations'] = citations json['bibliographies'] = bibliography json['asterisk'] = (asterisk and 'true') or 'false' print() print(wrap('Great, I found ' .. tostring(#citations) .. ' ' .. plural(#citations, 'citation', 'citations') .. ' in ' .. tostring(#auxiliary) .. ' ' .. plural(#auxiliary, 'file', 'files') ..'. I also found ' .. tostring(#bibliography) .. ' ' .. 'bibliography ' .. plural(#bibliography, 'file', 'files') .. '. Let me check ' .. plural(#bibliography, 'this file', 'these files') .. ' and extract the ' .. 'references. Please wait a moment.', 74)) if asterisk then print() print(wrap('Also, it is worth noticing that I found a mention to ' .. 'a special "*" when retrieving citations. That means ' .. 'your TeX document contains "\\nocite{*}" somewhere in ' .. 'the source code. I will continue with the check ' .. 'nonetheless.', 74)) end bibliography = apply(bibliography, function(a) return sanitize(a, 'bib') end) invalid, bibliography = validate(bibliography, kpse, true, 'bib') if #invalid ~= 0 then print() print(pad('-', 74)) print(wrap('I am sorry, but I was unable to locate ' .. plural(#invalid, 'this file', 'these files') .. ' ' .. '(the extension is automatically set to ' .. '".bib", if not provided):', 74)) for _, v in ipairs(invalid) do print('=> ' .. v) end print() print(wrap('Please make sure the ' .. plural(#invalid, 'path is', 'paths are') .. ' ' .. 'correct and the ' .. plural(#invalid, 'file exists', 'files exist') .. '. ' .. 'There is nothing I can do at the moment. ' .. 'Refer to to the user documentation ' .. 'for details on bibliography lookup. If ' .. plural(#invalid, 'this is not the file', 'these are not the files') .. ' you were ' .. 'expecting (wrong bibliography), double-check ' .. 'your source file. The script will end ' .. 'now.', 74)) return 1 end local references = flatten(apply(bibliography, function(a) return extract(read(a)) end)) local crossrefs = (keys['crossrefs'] and organize(apply(bibliography, function(a) return crossref(read(a)) end))) or {} json['references'] = references if (keys['crossrefs']) then json['crossrefs'] = crossrefs end print() print(wrap('Fantastic, I found ' .. tostring(#references) .. ' ' .. plural(#references, 'reference', 'references') .. ' in ' .. tostring(#bibliography) .. ' bibliography ' .. plural(#bibliography, 'file', 'files') .. '. Please wait a moment while the ' .. plural(((check == 'all' and 2) or 1), 'report is', 'reports are') .. ' generated.', 74)) local status, result = operations[check](citations, references, crossrefs) json['unused'] = result['unused'] or (check == 'unused') and result or {} json['undefined'] = result['undefined'] or (check == 'undefined') and result or {} if keys['json'] then toJson(keys['json'][1], json) end return status end -- Call and exit os.exit(checkcites(arg)) -- EOF