Here you find Norbert Schwarz's cybil routines for dynamic file binding in Pascal which he devoloped for his NOS/VE TeX implementation. There are four files combined into this file: ASSOCIATE_FILE_CYBIL and UTM_OPEN2_CYBIL are the Cybil sources, BINCOR_PAS is a program to do a binary correction to the compiled output and MAKE_UTM_OPEN2_LIB the installation procedure (study it to find out what's going on). The binary correction is likely to change at new system releases. THe software is by Norbert Schwarz Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Rechenzentrum Postfach 102148 D-4630 Bochum 1 P920012 at DBORUB01.BITNET %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAKE_UTM_OPEN2_LIB %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% proc make_utm_open2_lib (ergebnis : file = $required ; debug : name = all ); create_variable ss kind=status; copy_file $user.tex122.utm_open2_exp_cybil $local.compile DELETE_FILE $local.UTM_OPEN status=ss CYBIL $local.COMPILE DA=$value(debug) B=$local.UTM_OPEN l=$local.cybil_liste " ---> correct the debug match information (loader problem) " 06c7... is the old declaration matching value " To get the required new one, use DISPLAY_OBJECT_TEXT " for the module PAM$$FILE_TABLE_ROUTINE in $SYSTEM.PASCAL.PAF$LIBRARY collect_text $local.DATEN UTM_OPEN 06C764D1A410E3EB* 0AAD64BCC195277B* ** old_catalog=$string($catalog) set_working_catalog $local .zztv.tex122.bincor $local.DATEN set_working_catalog $fname(old_catalog) create_object_library add_module $local.utm_open generate_library $value(ergebnis) quit put_line ' utm_open_lib erstellt in'//$string($value(ergebnis)) PROCEND; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BINCOR_PAS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% program bincor (input, output); type byte = 0..255; t_p = packed array[1..100000] of byte; t_packed = ^t_p; twochar = packed array[1..2] of char; string31 = packed array[1..31] of char; string_type = packed array[1..17] of char; word_type = array[1..8] of 0..255; var infile,outfile : t_packed; status : integer; i,j,position : integer; corr_file_name : string31; old_wordstring : string_type; new_wordstring : string_type; old_word : word_type; new_word : word_type; old_lng : integer; new_lng :integer; procedure get_string(var instring : string_type); var i: integer; c:char; begin for i:=1 to 17 do instring[i] := '*'; i:=0; repeat if eoln(input) then readln(input); read(c); if (c<>'*') and (c<>' ') then begin i:=i+1; instring[i]:=c; end; until (i=17) or (c='*'); end; function tobin(c2 : twochar) : integer; var c: char; i1,i2 : integer; begin c :=c2[1]; if (c>='A') then i1:=10+ord(c)-ord('A') else i1:= ord(c)-ord('0'); c :=c2[2]; if (c>='A') then i2:=10+ord(c)-ord('A') else i2:= ord(c)-ord('0'); tobin := i1*16 + i2; end; procedure string_value (instring : string_type; var count : integer; var bytes : word_type); var i,k : integer; c: char; c2 : twochar; begin count:=0; i:=1; while (i<=17) and (instring[i]<>'*') do begin c2[1] := instring[i]; c2[2] := instring[i+1]; i:=i+2; count:=count+1; bytes[count] := tobin(c2); end; end; procedure tohex(i:byte; var erg : twochar); var hilf : byte; begin hilf := i div 16; if hilf>9 then erg[1] := chr(ord('A')+hilf-10) else erg[1] := chr(ord('0')+hilf); hilf:= i mod 16; if hilf>9 then erg[2] := chr(ord('A')+hilf-10) else erg[2] := chr(ord('0')+hilf); end; procedure search_string(f : t_packed; to_search : word_type; lng : integer; var found : integer); const max_search =20000; var i,k,l : integer; gefunden : boolean; begin i:=0; found := -1; while (i to_search[j+1] then gefunden := false; j:=j+1; end; if gefunden then begin found := i; i:= max_search+1; end; end; end; procedure dump(f : t_packed); var b :byte; c2 : twochar; column : integer; i:integer; begin column :=0; write(' '); for i:=1 to 300 do begin tohex(f^[i],c2); write(output,c2); column :=column + 2; if column=40 then begin column:= 0; writeln(output); write(' ') end; end; end; procedure associate_file(f:string31;var ff : t_packed; var ii :integer); external; begin for i:=1 to 31 do corr_file_name[i] := ' '; write(' FILE to be changed: '); i:=1; while (not eoln(input)) and (i<32) do begin read(corr_file_name[i]); i:=i+1 end; readln; status:=0; associate_file(corr_file_name,infile,status); writeln(' Assoziation - status ',status); dump(infile); get_string(old_wordstring); get_string(new_wordstring); string_value(old_wordstring,old_lng,old_word); string_value(new_wordstring,new_lng,new_word); write(' to replace >'); for i:=1 to 2*old_lng do write(old_wordstring[i]); write(' (',old_lng:1,') '); write('< by the new >'); write(' (',new_lng:1,')'); for i:=1 to 2*new_lng do write(new_wordstring[i]); writeln('<'); search_string(infile, old_word,old_lng,position); writeln(' Position ',position); if position > 0 then begin for i:=1 to new_lng do infile^[position-1+i] := new_word[i]; end; end . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ASSOCIATE_FILE_CYBIL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% module nsm_associate_file; *copyc AMP$OPEN *copyc AMP$GET_SEGMENT_POINTER procedure [XDCL] associate_file (file_name : ost$name; var file_pointer : ^cell; var status : integer); var local_file_name : ost$name; var file_id : amt$file_identifier; var status1,status2 : ost$status; var segment_pointer : amt$segment_pointer; local_file_name := file_name; amp$open ( local_file_name, amc$segment, NIL, file_id,status1); if status1.normal then amp$get_segment_pointer ( file_id, amc$cell_pointer, segment_pointer, status2); file_pointer := segment_pointer.cell_pointer; if status2.normal then status := 0 else status := status2.condition; ifend; else status := status1.condition; ifend; procend ; *copyc AMP$GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES procedure [XDCL] get_file_length (file_name : ost$name; var length : integer ); var attributes : ^amt$get_attributes; var local : boolean; var old_file : boolean; var non_empty : boolean; var status : ost$status; PUSH attributes : [1..1]; attributes^[1].key := amc$file_length; amp$get_file_attributes(file_name,attributes^,local,old_file, non_empty,status); if status.normal then length := attributes^[1].file_length; else length := -1; ifend; procend get_file_length; modend; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% UTM_OPEN2_CYBIL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% module utm_open_module; { This routines looks into the file-table-area of the PASCAL-runtime system { an searches an entry with an matching "file-variable"-pointer. { It is found the file-name will be replaced by the given one of { the proceure call } { Very very important: As the parameter definition is not known { of the corresponding CYBIL-routines of { PAF$LIBRARY there has a binary correction { of the matching value for the entry { PAV$FILE_TABLE_PTR to be done !!!} { -------- last change 21.11.1986 Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Germany { Norbert Schwarz } { change 12.06.86 included the function } { } { if a "file-name" begins with a '<' character } { then the part between '<' and '>' will be inter- } { preted as a SCL string-name, which contains } { the catalog/file name } { the SCL-string may be an array of strings then } { a hierarchical search will be done. } { } { 16.06.1986 splitting of various open functions in } { 'open,openread,openwrite,openintern' } { 20.01.1987 introduction of opensegmented / closesegmented } { 12.03.1987 introduction of PUT_PARTIAL } *copyc FSP$OPEN_FILE *copyc FSP$CLOSE_FILE *copyc AMP$get_segment_pointer *copyc AMP$SET_SEGMENT_EOI *copyc AMP$PUT_NEXT *copyc AMP$PUT_PARTIAL *copyc CLP$PUSH_PARAMETERS *copyc CLP$POP_PARAMETERS *copyc CLP$SCAN_PARAMETER_LIST *copyc CLP$GET_VALUE *copyc CLP$GET_PATH_DESCRIPTION *copyc CLP$CONVERT_INTEGER_TO_STRING *copyc AMP$CLOSE *copyc AMP$GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES {*copyc IFP$STORE_TERMINAL } *copyc CLP$READ_VARIABLE *copyc PMP$ABORT *copyc PMP$EXIT type eightbit_range = 0..255; type two_word = array[1..2] of integer; type two_word_id = record case boolean of = true = int : two_word, =false = id : amt$file_identifier, casend, recend; var PAV$FILE_TABLE_PTR : [XREF,READ] ^cell; procedure [XDCL] set_pascal_name ( VAR file_variable : cell; file_name : string(31) ); type table_entry = packed record file_adress : ^cell, new_name : string(31), old_name : string(31), rest1 : string(6), buffer_ptr : ^cell, rest2 : string(64), recend; type table_type = packed array[1..100] of table_entry; var hilf_ptr : ^table_type; var i : integer; hilf_ptr := PAV$FILE_TABLE_PTR; for i:=1 to 100 do if hilf_ptr^[i].file_adress=^file_variable then hilf_ptr^[i].new_name := file_name; EXIT set_pascal_name; ifend; forend; PROCEND set_pascal_name; { This routine looks into the file_table and searches an entry { with an matching file name. Then it replaces the adress of { the file-variable by the new given file-variable } procedure [XDCL] set_file_variable ( VAR file_variable : cell; file_name : string(31) ); type table_entry = packed record file_adress : ^cell, new_name : string(31), old_name : string(31), rest1 : string(6), buffer_ptr : ^cell, rest2 : string(64), recend; type table_type = packed array[1..100] of table_entry; var hilf_ptr : ^table_type; var i : integer; hilf_ptr := PAV$FILE_TABLE_PTR; for i:=1 to 100 do if hilf_ptr^[i].new_name = file_name then hilf_ptr^[i].file_adress:=^file_variable ; EXIT set_file_variable; ifend; forend; PROCEND set_file_variable; { This procedure inserts a new file_name and a new_pointer into } { the file-table ! } procedure [XDCL] insert_file_variable ( VAR file_variable : cell; file_name : string(31) ; textfile : boolean ); type byte6 = packed array[1..6] of eightbit_range; type byte64 = packed array[1..64] of eightbit_range; type file_ref = packed record case boolean of = true = file_adress : ^cell, = false = file_adress_bin : byte6, casend, recend; type table_entry = packed record file_pt : file_ref, new_name : string(31), old_name : string(31), rest1 : byte6, buffer_ptr : ^cell, rest3 : byte64, recend; type table_type = packed array[1..100] of table_entry; var hilf_ptr : ^table_type; var nil_test : ^cell; var i : integer; var k : integer; var file_adress_bin : integer; nil_test :=NIL; hilf_ptr := PAV$FILE_TABLE_PTR; FOR i:=1 to 100 DO IF hilf_ptr^[i].file_pt.file_adress_bin[1]=0 THEN for k:=1 to 6 do hilf_ptr^[i].rest1[k] :=0; forend; for k:=1 to 64 do hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[k] :=0; forend; hilf_ptr^[i].file_pt.file_adress:=^file_variable ; hilf_ptr^[i].old_name:=file_name ; hilf_ptr^[i].new_name:=file_name; hilf_ptr^[i].rest1[6] := 050(16); hilf_ptr^[i].buffer_ptr := NIL; hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[16] := 0; IF textfile THEN hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[17] := 1; ELSE hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[17] := 0; IFEND; hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[23] := 1; hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[56] := 1; EXIT insert_file_variable; ELSE IF hilf_ptr^[i].file_pt.file_adress = ^file_variable THEN for k:=1 to 6 do hilf_ptr^[i].rest1[k] :=0; forend; for k:=1 to 64 do hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[k] :=0; forend; hilf_ptr^[i].old_name:=file_name ; hilf_ptr^[i].new_name:=file_name; hilf_ptr^[i].rest1[6] := 050(16); hilf_ptr^[i].buffer_ptr := NIL; hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[16] := 0; hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[56] := 1; IF textfile THEN hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[17] := 1; ELSE hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[17] := 0; IFEND; hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[23] := 1; EXIT insert_file_variable; IFEND IFEND; FOREND; PROCEND insert_file_variable; { ====================================================================== } { } { There are 4 'open' interfaces with different handling of existing files: } { } { open,openread,openwrite,openintern } { } { The parameter 'long_name_of_file' may contain a 'path-description' } { in '<' and '>' at the beginning of the name. The name betweeen < and > } { will be interpreted as a name of a SCL (!) - variable of kind string } { which contains a catalog reference } { } { For example: in SCL CREATE_VARIABLE MY_BASE K=STRING D=1..4 } { MY_BASE(1)='$CATALOG' } { MY_BASE(2)='$LOCAL' } { MY_BASE(3)='$USER.BASE_CATALOG' } { MY_BASE(4)=':NVE.SMITH.FRIEND_CATALOG' } { } { then a content of 'long_name_of_file' like } { } { 'DATA' } { } { will be expanded to (1.) '$CATALOG.DATA' } { (2.) '$LOCAL.DATA' } { (3.) '$USER.BASE_CATALOG.DATA' } { (4.) ':NVE.SMITH.FRIEND_CATALOG.DATA' } { } { if 'must_be_old'=true !!! } { } { Then the file, which is found first, will be used. } { } { if 'must_be_old=false' then the first element only will be used. } { } { ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } { } { The procedure 'open' will use only the first element of an } { SCL-array and returns if that required file exists. } { } { The procedure 'openread' requires an existing file and gives } { an error if it does an exist. It will will take a search. } { } { The procedure 'openwrite' uses the first element of an existing } { SCL-reference. There is no error return, if that file does not exit. } { } { The procedure 'openintern' is the internally called routine. } { and is given as an outer interface. } { } { open openread openwrite openintern } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { var file_variable : cell X X X X } { long_name_of_file : string(64) X X X X } { textfile : boolean X X X X } { var effektiv_file_name : string(64) X X X X } { must_be_old : boolean (false) (true) (false) X } { var is_old_file : boolean X - - X } { var error : integer X X X X } { } { parameter-description: } { } { file_variable : PASCAL file variable e.g. file of char } { long_name_of_file : name of the file } { textfile : true if the file is of type 'text' } { : That is needed in PASCAL (buffering handling) } { must_be_old : true, if the file m u s t exist. } { If 'true' then an hierarchically search will } { be done } { is_old_file : returns if the file exists } { error : <>0 then an error has happened } { } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} const string_length = 64; type string_type = string(string_length); PROCEDURE [XDCL] openread (var file_variable : cell; long_name_of_file : string_type; textfile : boolean; var effektiv_file_name : string_type; var error : integer); var is_old_file : boolean; openintern (file_variable,long_name_of_file,textfile, effektiv_file_name, true ,is_old_file, error) PROCEND; PROCEDURE [XDCL] openwrite(var file_variable : cell; long_name_of_file : string_type; textfile : boolean; var effektiv_file_name : string_type; var error : integer); var is_old_file : boolean; openintern (file_variable,long_name_of_file,textfile, effektiv_file_name, false , is_old_file, error) PROCEND ; PROCEDURE [XDCL] open (var file_variable : cell; long_name_of_file : string_type; textfile : boolean; var effektiv_file_name : string_type; var is_old_file : boolean; var error : integer); openintern (file_variable,long_name_of_file,textfile, effektiv_file_name, false , is_old_file, error) PROCEND ; procedure [XDCL] openintern (var file_variable : cell; long_name_of_file : string_type; textfile : boolean; var effektiv_file_name : string_type; must_be_old : boolean; var is_old_file : boolean; var error : integer); var i : integer; { pdt file_pdt ( f : file = $required ) ?? PUSH (LISTEXT := ON) ?? VAR file_pdt: [STATIC, READ, cls$pdt] clt$parameter_descriptor_table := [^file_pdt_names, ^file_pdt_params]; VAR file_pdt_names: [STATIC, READ, cls$pdt_names_and_defaults] array [1 .. 1] of clt$parameter_name_descriptor := [['F', 1]]; VAR file_pdt_params: [STATIC, READ, cls$pdt_parameters] array [1 .. 1] of clt$parameter_descriptor := [ { F } [[clc$required], 1, 1, 1, 1, clc$value_range_not_allowed, [NIL, clc$file_value]]]; ?? POP ?? VAR k : integer; VAR old_file : boolean; VAR status : ost$status; var status1,status2,status3,status4 : ost$status; VAR parameter_pt : ^clt$parameter_list; VAR value : clt$value; VAR string_pt : ^ost$string; var param1 : [STATIC] string(1) := 'F'; var laenge : integer; var file_reference : clt$file_reference; var path_container : clt$path_container; var path : ^pft$path; var cycle_selector : clt$cycle_selector; var open_position : clt$open_position; var local_file : clt$file; var file_length : integer; var position : integer; var expanded_name_of_file: string_type; var more : boolean; error :=0; PUSH parameter_pt : [[ost$string]]; RESET parameter_pt; NEXT string_pt IN parameter_pt; position := 1; /expand/ WHILE TRUE DO expand_file_name(long_name_of_file, position, expanded_name_of_file,more); IF NOT more THEN error := -1; is_old_file := false; RETURN; IFEND; position := position + 1; { prepare for next cycle } string_pt^.value := expanded_name_of_file; string_pt^.size := string_length; CLP$PUSH_PARAMETERS (status1); CLP$SCAN_PARAMETER_LIST(parameter_pt^,file_pdt,status2); if not status2.normal then error := status2.condition; PMP$ABORT(status2); ifend; CLP$GET_VALUE(param1,1,1,clc$LOW,value,status3); CLP$POP_PARAMETERS (status4); if not status3.normal then error := status3.condition; PMP$ABORT(status3); ifend; CLP$GET_PATH_DESCRIPTION(value.file, file_reference, path_container, path, cycle_selector, open_position, status3); if status3.normal then effektiv_file_name := file_reference.path_name(1,file_reference.path_name_size); else error := status3.condition; cycle /expand/; ifend; get_file_length (value.file.local_file_name,file_length,old_file); IF old_file or NOT must_be_old THEN insert_file_variable (file_variable,value.file.local_file_name, textfile); is_old_file := old_file ; RETURN; IFEND; WHILEND; procend; procedure [XDCL] buildfname (var file_variable : cell; long_name_of_file : string_type; textfile : boolean; var effektiv_file_name : string_type; must_be_old : boolean; var is_old_file : boolean; var error : integer); var i : integer; { pdt file_pdt ( f : file = $required ) ?? PUSH (LISTEXT := ON) ?? VAR file_pdt: [STATIC, READ, cls$pdt] clt$parameter_descriptor_table := [^file_pdt_names, ^file_pdt_params]; VAR file_pdt_names: [STATIC, READ, cls$pdt_names_and_defaults] array [1 .. 1] of clt$parameter_name_descriptor := [['F', 1]]; VAR file_pdt_params: [STATIC, READ, cls$pdt_parameters] array [1 .. 1] of clt$parameter_descriptor := [ { F } [[clc$required], 1, 1, 1, 1, clc$value_range_not_allowed, [NIL, clc$file_value]]]; ?? POP ?? VAR k : integer; VAR old_file : boolean; VAR status : ost$status; var status1,status2,status3,status4 : ost$status; VAR parameter_pt : ^clt$parameter_list; VAR value : clt$value; VAR string_pt : ^ost$string; var param1 : [STATIC] string(1) := 'F'; var laenge : integer; var file_reference : clt$file_reference; var path_container : clt$path_container; var path : ^pft$path; var cycle_selector : clt$cycle_selector; var open_position : clt$open_position; var local_file : clt$file; var file_length : integer; var position : integer; var expanded_name_of_file: string_type; var more : boolean; error :=0; PUSH parameter_pt : [[ost$string]]; RESET parameter_pt; NEXT string_pt IN parameter_pt; position := 1; /expand/ WHILE TRUE DO expand_file_name(long_name_of_file, position, expanded_name_of_file,more); IF NOT more THEN error := -1; is_old_file := false; RETURN; IFEND; position := position + 1; { prepare for next cycle } string_pt^.value := expanded_name_of_file; string_pt^.size := string_length; CLP$PUSH_PARAMETERS (status1); CLP$SCAN_PARAMETER_LIST(parameter_pt^,file_pdt,status2); if not status2.normal then error := status2.condition; PMP$ABORT(status2); ifend; CLP$GET_VALUE(param1,1,1,clc$LOW,value,status3); CLP$POP_PARAMETERS (status4); if not status3.normal then error := status3.condition; PMP$ABORT(status3); ifend; CLP$GET_PATH_DESCRIPTION(value.file, file_reference, path_container, path, cycle_selector, open_position, status3); if status3.normal then effektiv_file_name := file_reference.path_name(1,file_reference.path_name_size); else error := status3.condition; cycle /expand/; ifend; get_file_length (value.file.local_file_name,file_length,old_file); IF old_file or NOT must_be_old THEN is_old_file := old_file ; RETURN; IFEND; WHILEND; procend; procedure get_file_length (file_name : ost$name; var length : integer ; var old_file : boolean); var attributes : ^amt$get_attributes; var local : boolean; var non_empty : boolean; var status : ost$status; PUSH attributes : [1..1]; attributes^[1].key := amc$file_length; amp$get_file_attributes(file_name,attributes^,local,old_file, non_empty,status); if status.normal then length := attributes^[1].file_length; else length := -1; ifend; procend get_file_length; procedure [XDCL] closeread ( VAR file_variable : cell ); type byte2 = packed array[1..2] of eightbit_range; type byte6 = packed array[1..6] of eightbit_range; type byte64 = packed array[1..64] of eightbit_range; type file_ref = packed record case boolean of = true = file_adress : ^cell, = false = file_adress_bin : byte6, casend, recend; type table_entry = packed record file_pt : file_ref, new_name : string(31), old_name : string(31), file_id : amt$file_identifier, rest1 : byte2, buffer_ptr : ^cell, rest3 : byte64, recend; type table_type = packed array[1..100] of table_entry; var hilf_ptr : ^table_type; var nil_test : ^cell; var i : integer; var k : integer; var file_adress_bin : integer; var status : ost$status; hilf_ptr := PAV$FILE_TABLE_PTR; FOR i:=1 to 100 DO IF hilf_ptr^[i].file_pt.file_adress_bin[1]=0 THEN ELSE IF hilf_ptr^[i].file_pt.file_adress = ^file_variable THEN AMP$CLOSE(hilf_ptr^[i].file_id,status); hilf_ptr^[i].file_id.ordinal := 0; hilf_ptr^[i].file_id.sequence:= 1; hilf_ptr^[i].rest1[1] := 0; hilf_ptr^[i].rest1[2] :=50(16); for k:=1 to 64 do hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[k] :=0; forend; hilf_ptr^[i].buffer_ptr := NIL; hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[16] := 0; hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[17] := 1; hilf_ptr^[i].rest3[23] := 1; EXIT closeread; IFEND IFEND; FOREND; PROCEND closeread; procedure [XDCL] get_file_id ( VAR file_variable : cell; VAR file_id : amt$file_identifier ); type byte2 = packed array[1..2] of eightbit_range; type byte6 = packed array[1..6] of eightbit_range; type byte64 = packed array[1..64] of eightbit_range; type file_ref = packed record case boolean of = true = file_adress : ^cell, = false = file_adress_bin : byte6, casend, recend; type table_entry = packed record file_pt : file_ref, new_name : string(31), old_name : string(31), file_id : amt$file_identifier, rest1 : byte2, buffer_ptr : ^cell, rest3 : byte64, recend; type table_type = packed array[1..100] of table_entry; var hilf_ptr : ^table_type; var nil_test : ^cell; var i : integer; var k : integer; var file_adress_bin : integer; var status : ost$status; hilf_ptr := PAV$FILE_TABLE_PTR; FOR i:=1 to 100 DO IF hilf_ptr^[i].file_pt.file_adress = ^file_variable THEN file_id := hilf_ptr^[i].file_id; EXIT get_file_id; IFEND FOREND; PROCEND get_file_id; { get the local file name of the file } procedure [XDCL] get_local_file_name ( VAR file_variable : cell; VAR file_name : amt$local_file_name ); type byte2 = packed array[1..2] of eightbit_range; type byte6 = packed array[1..6] of eightbit_range; type byte64 = packed array[1..64] of eightbit_range; type file_ref = packed record case boolean of = true = file_adress : ^cell, = false = file_adress_bin : byte6, casend, recend; type table_entry = packed record file_pt : file_ref, new_name : amt$local_file_name, {string(31)} old_name : amt$local_file_name, {string(31)} file_id : amt$file_identifier, rest1 : byte2, buffer_ptr : ^cell, rest3 : byte64, recend; type table_type = packed array[1..100] of table_entry; var hilf_ptr : ^table_type; var nil_test : ^cell; var i : integer; var k : integer; var file_adress_bin : integer; var status : ost$status; hilf_ptr := PAV$FILE_TABLE_PTR; FOR i:=1 to 100 DO IF hilf_ptr^[i].file_pt.file_adress = ^file_variable THEN file_name:= hilf_ptr^[i].new_name; EXIT get_local_file_name; IFEND FOREND; PROCEND get_local_file_name; PROCEDURE [XDCL] put_next (var file_id : amt$file_identifier; var buffer : cell; number_of_bytes : amt$working_storage_length); VAR status : ost$status; VAR adress : amt$file_byte_address; AMP$put_next(file_id,^buffer,number_of_bytes,adress,status); PROCEND put_next; { Ausgabe eines mittleren Satzstueckes } PROCEDURE [XDCL] put_partial (var file_id : amt$file_identifier; var buffer : cell; number_of_bytes : amt$working_storage_length); VAR status : ost$status; VAR adress : amt$file_byte_address; AMP$put_partial(file_id,^buffer,number_of_bytes,adress, amc$continue,status); PROCEND put_partial; { Ausgabe des ersten Teilsatzes } PROCEDURE [XDCL] put_f_partial (var file_id : amt$file_identifier; var buffer : cell; number_of_bytes : amt$working_storage_length); VAR status : ost$status; VAR adress : amt$file_byte_address; AMP$put_partial(file_id,^buffer,number_of_bytes,adress, amc$start ,status); PROCEND put_f_partial; { Ausgabe des letzten Teilsatzes } PROCEDURE [XDCL] put_l_partial (var file_id : amt$file_identifier; var buffer : cell; number_of_bytes : amt$working_storage_length); VAR status : ost$status; VAR adress : amt$file_byte_address; AMP$put_partial(file_id,^buffer,number_of_bytes,adress, amc$terminate ,status); PROCEND put_l_partial; PROCEDURE expand_file_name ( file_name : string_type; position : integer; {immer von 1} var new_file_name : string_type; var ok : boolean); var SCL_string_name : string(string_length); var i,j,k : integer; var SCL_variable : clt$variable_reference; var status : ost$status; var actual_name : string_type; var curpos : integer; var begin_of_name : integer; var test_length : integer; var test_oldfile : boolean; var string_position : ost$string; var string_ptr : ^ ost$string; { 1. test of old version without '<' } IF file_name(1) <> '<' THEN ok := position = 1; new_file_name := file_name; RETURN; IFEND; { get the part between '< ... >' } i:=1; REPEAT i:=i+1; UNTIL ( file_name(i)='>') or (i=string_length); begin_of_name := i+ 1; { first character of rest name } SCL_string_name := file_name(2,begin_of_name-3); CLP$CONVERT_INTEGER_TO_STRING(position,10,FALSE,string_position,status); SCL_string_name(begin_of_name-2) := '('; SCL_string_name(begin_of_name-1,*) := string_position.value(1,string_position.size); SCL_string_name(begin_of_name-1+string_position.size) := ')'; CLP$READ_VARIABLE ( SCL_string_name,SCL_variable,status); IF NOT status.normal THEN ok := FALSE; RETURN; IFEND; string_ptr:=^ SCL_variable.value.string_value^[1]; actual_name:=string_ptr^.value; curpos := string_ptr^.size+1; actual_name(curpos) := '.'; actual_name(curpos+1,*) := file_name(begin_of_name,*); ok := TRUE; new_file_name := actual_name; PROCEND expand_file_name; { The opensegmented/opensegment-routines give the pointer } { to the beginning of the file-information usable as a pascal } { referenz. } { } { You can define (in PASCAL) } { file_refenz : ^packed array[0..???] of 0..255; } { } { Then you can do input easily by array references. } { Hint: A file of record type "VARIABLE" begins with 14 bytes } { header informations } { } { (There is one "if file_length=0..." with inhibits Output, but } { without this, you can do output in the same way. } { } { in PASCAL } { } { type byte = 0..255; } { two_word = array[1..2] of integer; } { byte_ref = ^byte; } { string_type = packed array[1..64] of char; } { } { procedure opensegmented (long_name_of_file } { var current_adress : byte_ref; } { var effektiv_file_name : string_type; } { var is_old_file : boolean; } { var file_length : integer; } { var file_identifier : two_word; } { var error : integer; } procedure [XDCL] opensegmented (long_name_of_file : string_type; var file_variable : ^cell; var effektiv_file_name : string_type; var is_old_file : boolean; var file_length : integer; var file_identifier : amt$file_identifier; var error : integer); var i : integer; { pdt file_pdt ( f : file = $required ) ?? PUSH (LISTEXT := ON) ?? VAR file_pdt: [STATIC, READ, cls$pdt] clt$parameter_descriptor_table := [^file_pdt_names, ^file_pdt_params]; VAR file_pdt_names: [STATIC, READ, cls$pdt_names_and_defaults] array [1 .. 1] of clt$parameter_name_descriptor := [['F', 1]]; VAR file_pdt_params: [STATIC, READ, cls$pdt_parameters] array [1 .. 1] of clt$parameter_descriptor := [ { F } [[clc$required], 1, 1, 1, 1, clc$value_range_not_allowed, [NIL, clc$file_value]]]; ?? POP ?? VAR k : integer; VAR old_file : boolean; VAR status : ost$status; var status1,status2,status3,status4 : ost$status; var segment_pointer : amt$segment_pointer; VAR parameter_pt : ^clt$parameter_list; VAR value : clt$value; VAR string_pt : ^ost$string; var param1 : [STATIC] string(1) := 'F'; var laenge : integer; var file_reference : clt$file_reference; var path_container : clt$path_container; var path : ^pft$path; var cycle_selector : clt$cycle_selector; var open_position : clt$open_position; var local_file : clt$file; var position : integer; var expanded_name_of_file : string_type; var more : boolean; error :=0; PUSH parameter_pt : [[ost$string]]; RESET parameter_pt; NEXT string_pt IN parameter_pt; position := 1; /expand/ WHILE TRUE DO expand_file_name(long_name_of_file, position, expanded_name_of_file,more); IF NOT more THEN error := -1; is_old_file := false; RETURN; IFEND; position := position + 1; { prepare for next cycle } string_pt^.value := expanded_name_of_file; string_pt^.size := string_length; CLP$PUSH_PARAMETERS (status1); CLP$SCAN_PARAMETER_LIST(parameter_pt^,file_pdt,status2); if not status2.normal then error := status2.condition; PMP$ABORT(status2); ifend; CLP$GET_VALUE(param1,1,1,clc$LOW,value,status3); CLP$POP_PARAMETERS (status4); if not status3.normal then error := status3.condition; PMP$ABORT(status3); ifend; CLP$GET_PATH_DESCRIPTION(value.file, file_reference, path_container, path, cycle_selector, open_position, status3); if status3.normal then effektiv_file_name := file_reference.path_name(1,file_reference.path_name_size); else error := status3.condition; cycle /expand/; ifend; get_file_length (value.file.local_file_name,file_length,old_file); if file_length=0 then cycle /expand/; ifend; FSP$OPEN_FILE (value.file.local_file_name, amc$segment, NIL, { file_attachment } NIL, { default_creation_attributes } NIL, { mandated_creation_attributes } NIL, { attribute_validation } NIL, { attribute_override } file_identifier,status4); if status4.normal then amp$get_segment_pointer(file_identifier, amc$cell_pointer, segment_pointer, status4); file_variable := segment_pointer.cell_pointer; if status4.normal then RETURN; ifend; ifend; WHILEND; error:=1; procend opensegmented; { set the file_size of a segmented file : the second parameter must } { contain the address of the byte behind the last byte of the file } procedure [XDCL] setsegmenteoi ( file_identifier : two_word_id; var byte_behind_the_last : cell); var segment_pointer : amt$segment_pointer; var file_id : amt$file_identifier; var status : ost$status; file_id :=; segment_pointer.kind := amc$cell_pointer; segment_pointer.cell_pointer := ^byte_behind_the_last; AMP$SET_SEGMENT_EOI(file_id,segment_pointer,status); if not status.normal then PMP$ABORT(status); ifend; procend setsegmenteoi; { close the segmented opened file } procedure [XDCL] closesegmented (file_identifier : two_word_id); var file_id : amt$file_identifier; var status : ost$status; file_id :=; FSP$CLOSE_FILE(file_id,status); procend closesegmented; { alias definition --- needed as the tangle program shortens the } { names to 12 characters } procedure [XDCL] opensegmente (long_name_of_file : string_type; var file_variable : ^cell; var effektiv_file_name : string_type; var is_old_file : boolean; var file_length : integer; var file_identifier : amt$file_identifier; var error : integer); opensegmented (long_name_of_file , file_variable , effektiv_file_name , is_old_file , file_length , file_identifier , error ) procend opensegmente; procedure [XDCL] closesegment (file_identifier : two_word_id); closesegmented(file_identifier); procend closesegment; { to display any status message for control usage of the job } procedure [XDCL] display_status ( text : string_type); var status : ost$status; *COPYC OFP$DISPLAY_STATUS_MESSAGE OFP$DISPLAY_STATUS_MESSAGE(text,status); RETURN; procend display_status; { condition handler for user break two } { It must be called with the parameter 'flag' and the name of } { a procedure which will be executed with condition handling } { PROCEDURE NONBREAK_RUN (VAR FLAG : INTEGER; PROCEDURE P); EXTERNAL; } { Then 'P' will be called. 'FLAG' will receive the value '1', if an } { user break 2 has occurred. 'FLAG' should be global to 'P', then } { 'P' can examince the current value of 'FLAG' } *copyc pmp$establish_condition_handler type two_pointer = packed record binding : ^cell, static_link : ^cell, recend; PROCEDURE [XDCL] nonbreak_run (VAR flag : integer; main1 : integer; main2 : integer); VAR routine : record case boolean of =true= proc : ^procedure, =false= cellar : record int1 : integer, int2 : integer, recend, casend, recend, interactive_break : [STATIC] pmt$condition := [ifc$interactive_condition, ifc$terminate_break], interactive_break_descriptor: pmt$established_handler, status: ost$status; PROCEDURE ib_handler ( condition: pmt$condition; condition_descriptor: ^pmt$condition_information; save_area: ^ost$stack_frame_save_area; VAR c_status: ost$status); c_status.normal := TRUE; CASE condition.interactive_condition OF = ifc$pause_break = RETURN; = ifc$terminate_break = if flag>0 then pmp$exit(c_status); ifend; flag := 1; RETURN; = ifc$terminal_connection_broken = RETURN; = ifc$job_reconnect = RETURN; CASEND; PROCEND ib_handler; flag := 0; pmp$establish_condition_handler (interactive_break, ^ib_handler, ^interactive_break_descriptor, status); IF NOT status.normal THEN PMP$ABORT(status); IFEND; routine.cellar.int1 := main1; routine.cellar.int2 := main2; routine.proc^; PROCEND nonbreak_run; *copyc RMP$GET_DEVICE_CLASS PROCEDURE [XDCL] terminal_device ( VAR pascal_file_id : cell; VAR terminal : boolean ); VAR file_name : amt$local_file_name, device_class : rmt$device_class, device_assigned : boolean, status : ost$status; get_local_file_name ( pascal_file_id, file_name); RMP$GET_DEVICE_CLASS (file_name,device_assigned,device_class, status); terminal := status.normal AND device_assigned AND (device_class<> RMC$MASS_STORAGE_DEVICE) AND (device_class<> RMC$MAGNETIC_TAPE_DEVICE); procend terminal_device; modend;